Friday, April 16, 2010

A Month in Review

I'm a bit late in posting this but I guess it's better late than never!

This picture was taken 4 weeks ago:

24 weeks

And so much has happened since my last post....

Mike is definitely feeling the baby move a lot more and this little one likes to jump around JUST when I get settled into bed for the night. I don't really mind it though because it relaxes me to know that he/she is doing well in there!

We have also started our Bradley Method classes and have gone to 2 already. It's a total of 8 sessions that are 3 hours each. So this Sunday will be our 3rd. I think it's great because it sort of gets Mike more involved in learning about the whole birthing process and how to be a coach. It's also nice that he's reading Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way along with me. At the very least, it creates nice discussion topics for us to hash over before our big day. Which, I can't believe, is only 2.5 months away!!

Mike's still working away at painting the nursery and so far I'm thrilled with his work! I think it's going to look amazing.

I finally got to plant a garden in my yard!! I'm so excited because this is the first spring at the house and so I had to plan things out and do a lot of work. It felt good to be out there being active. I'll have to take some pictures once things start to bloom! Hopefully this weekend I'll get around to planting veggies and herbs as well. It would be so incredibly nice to be able to cook with what I've grown.

Unfortunately, Pace (our dog) hasn't been fairing too well lately. She's had a bum leg for a few weeks now and the vet thinks it may be a torn ACL. If it is, she'll need surgery. So she's going in on Saturday for blood work and then on Tuesday for x-rays and sedation to investigate. I really hate the idea of surgery but I'm not sure there's any alternative. So, I guess we'll just have to see what the tests show.

Other than that, I have a midwife appointment on Monday. That's when I'll be doing the glucose tolerance test to see if I'm at risk for gestational diabetes. I really hope I pass this one so that I don't have to do the 3 hour test! And then I start going to the midwife every 2 weeks! I can't believe we're already to the point of biweekly appointments!

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